Update on Removable Partial Denture (RPD) Therapy
Event Detail
- Event Start Date
- 2024.11.16
- Event End Date
- 2024.11.16
- Online/Offline
- Offline
- Country
- United States
- State
- California
- Price
- Instructor
- Ting-Ling Chang, DDS | Kumar C. Shah, BDS, MS
- Registration link
- https://dentistry.ucla.edu/course/2260

Course Fee: $450 30-day early registration: $405
CDE Credits: 7
Saturday, November 16, 2024
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
available in-person at UCLA or live online via zoom
Do you want to improve the treatment acceptance for your partially dentate patients by offering a more affordable replacement treatment option to replace their missing teeth? Have a highly esthetic demanding patient with missing teeth who cannot afford the fixed treatment options? Ever wonder if strategic placement of fewer dental implants can improve the RPD treatment outcomes and help your patients? Today’s RPD therapy enables dentists to offer great affordable treatment alternatives to address patients’ esthetic and functional needs. This course is intended to provide an updated overview of contemporary removable partial dentures therapy and to help participants integrate predictable RPD treatment into day-to-day clinical care.
Lecture Topics
- Diagnosis and treatment planning for your partially dentate patients
- Overview of RPD design principles
- The benefits and pitfalls of various contemporary materials for RPD framework
- Esthetic RPD solution for highly esthetic demanding situation
- Use of dental implants to enhance RPD treatment outcomes
- Digital workflow: RPD digital design and manufacturing
- Treatment consideration and integration for combination cases
- Advanced RPD design alternatives (e.g. use of attachments, rotational path RPD)